I thought there was something odd when Lehrer quoted the
Dylan story on two separate interviews on the occasion of his latest book's publication. I’d
never heard that tale of how “Like a Rolling Stone” came to be written, and as a Dylan
semi-literate, I thought I’d heard every detail.
Making up quotes is one thing, punishable and condemnable to
stupidity for perpetuity, but I want to address the second point. The
self-plagiarizing--which isn’t actually plagiarism--perhaps, it’s just as stupid.
Maybe my indignation is to realize Lehrer got paid essentially twice, and
couldn’t bother to do his job (writing!) and was arrogant enough to just rehash something without thinking twice. Don't tell me he simply cut and pasted. He knew what he was doing.
With so much opportunity for miraculous second chances in the publishing industry, plagiarism, or even plain old misrepresentation, has become a career strategy. Even the reporter* who caused such a scandal at the NYTimes took the opportunity to blog
about the missteps of one whom he must believe can help foster and reinvigorate
his stained career in journalism.
I’ve been told of a famous fiction writer teacher and medical
doctor from a hallowed school who regularly stole from his best students’ work. The power structure prevented anyone from calling this guy out. Several times I’ve found my work copied and used on websites word for word with no attribution given to me such that I stopped thinking about it. I would imagine that this happens
frequently on the web. There’s a certain amount of pride maybe, that someone
thought enough of what I’d written to reuse it elsewhere--but geez, at least they
could have given me proper credit.
I almost laughed when two people on NPR said that they
thought this would end Jonah Lehrer’s career in journalism. Before I finish
this blog he’ll be up and running again, with little recall of his indiscretion.
Lehrer with his Oxford Rhodes and ivy league anointment, will not suffer for it in the long run. Inevitably, someone will grant a pass to this writer and say, “he's only human”--which will really be saying, gosh darn, this guy is so talented, the profession can't afford to lose him. He'll have a remarkable rebirth via an eager agent and publisher who will temporarily and theatrically condemn him publicly, while they slap him commiseratively on the back and plot his reemergence.
Disappointed are all those writers with integrity but without Lehrer's pedigree who face diminishing opportunities to earn something for their hard work.
*Jayson Blair, fallen of the NYTimes
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